Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Where can I find ____ ?

A. Here is the list of nifty pages you might need:

  1. Latest playable release: Beta v1.0 (as of 25/12/2021)
  2. Download & Install instructions
  3. Walkthrough (for completed routes from the latest release of the game)
  4. Want to join us? Here's our recruitment post
  5. Devlogs
  6. Credits
  7. Disclaimer

Q. I'm having trouble trying to install or play the game! Help!

A. Check Download & Install instructions. Otherwise, you can comment and we'll try to get back to you to help!

Q. How do I play the game?

A. As the usual standard of most visual novels, you need a mouse (or a trackpad) and a keyboard. Check the "Controls" menu in the game to see what each clicks and buttons does. For the basics, you left-click or press enter/space button to advance dialogues and select choices.

Q. I found a bug! What should I do?

A. You can let us know via comments on any of our pages in itch.io, or send a message in our Discord server!

Q. What is the status of the project?

A. The project is still ongoing. We still have unfinished routes to work on, and even for the completed routes, we plan to add on more stuff into it. There's also a plan for another route that will involve 3P relationship dynamics (character/player/character).

Q. Can I play this game even though I haven't played Persona 5?

A. You can, but it is not recommended! Reason being, there will be some spoilers & references from the original Persona 5 series and considering we don't really provide explanations for some phrases and how the Persona 5 world works, a few concepts might sound foreign to you. The fangame will never compare to the experience of the original game. If you haven't played the original game yet, we really recommend you to play through the original series (or at least the base Persona 5 game) through legal means first, then coming back here to play the fangame, as you'll enjoy it more that way!

Q. Do you guys have some way for us to contact you? Maybe a Discord server?

A. Yes! Our Discord Server is always open, otherwise you can reach us by dropping a comment in any of our pages!

Get Persona 5: Visual Novel

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