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This is such a FANTASTIC fan game!! It mirrors the original extremely well, and the dialogue feels realistic to life, which is something I value a lot in visual novels! I played Ren's Moon route and me and the Protagonist were on the same wavelength. Me too girl - I am also inherently embarrassing and want to pass away at any minor social inconvenience. I cannot wait to see how this develops in the future!! Well done!

🥺You're too kind!! I'm so happy to know that you enjoyed Ren's Moon route! A lot of people seem to relate a lot to the Moon protag (and I am one of them too tbh lol) and I couldn't be happier to know that I'm not alone. Do look forward to the update that's coming very soon and thank you for dropping such a lovely comment! ♡ 

(2 edits)

Oh boy how do I start, this demo is so good that made me doubt that this is a fangame. I'm very surprised how well written this game.

I have a rollercoaster experience when playing demo. The Sun and Moon route is very creative and unique. I love how fleshed out MC's personality is having its own mind and character. Keep it up, it's really interesting to read.

I first played the Moon-Ren route and this route seriously made my heart beating. It was a strange experience how I able to interact Ren since he's a silent protagonist in the OG game. I'm baffled how adorable and smooth this guy is. In the sun route I'm kinda confused with the letter thing in the beginning so it's still haven't left an impression on me.

Ryuji route was cute, but well, the moon route is a bit weird though as someone who didn't know you well suddenly ask you to do stretching in someone else room. But who cares, I find it funny.

Akechi route had me rolling as the game gives you a trigger warning at the beginning. Well, what are you expected to date with this psychopath, amirite (¬‿¬)? That aside, his route is also interesting. Making a yandere story sometimes a hit or miss thing. But I'm having some high hopes for his route since it gives a good start imo. 

Overall? Based from the demo, it's a good fangame. My favorite is Moon-Ren route (i love his playful peronality). No wonder this guy has a harem route in the og game. It'll be funny if his route suddenly has a harem thing and then game over. 

Whoa, this is the longest review I ever write. Okay, I'll shut up lol

Sorry for my clunky english, I hope you guys being well and keep up the good work!

I read this so many times and every time I finished it just makes my smile grow bigger and bigger :'D

Everyone seems to really appreciate that they have the option for the MC's personality and I'm really glad for that!

Moon-Ren has been a blast to write and I really hope people like how cozy it is. I think it basically turned more into a mainly-fluff route, which was what I originally aimed for, but I'm not sure how people will like it ^^' Ah, yeah the Sun route on the other had, is on its very beginning stages, so definitely look forward for more development on that!

Enjoy the current Moon-Ryuji route! A new writer will be taking over that route so I believe it will be scraped!

For Moon-Akechi, yeah the yandere (and gore) theme will be a hit or miss depending on different people, but I think what we have right now, the 'yandere' is mostly implied? So it should be mostly ok for most people. Although I plan on expanding more on it in future releases *evil laugh*

"It'll be funny if his route suddenly has a harem thing and then game over. "
.... wait a second.... *is having a revelation* YES. THAT SHOULD BE ONE OF THE ENDINGS SLDKFJLDF YOU'RE A GENIUS

I'm glad you liked the Moon-Ren route the best despite its many shortcomings aaaa thank you!!

Please never feel bad for writing long reviews! I love reading them and it makes my day ;w; And your English is really good! I'm not a native English speaker either, but I can understand you just fine :3

Oh dear it seems that I gave you some weird ideas (ˉ▽ˉ;). Welp, I'm looking forward to it though lol. 

And thank you for the nice reply!

You don't know how happy I was when I found this!! I'm really excited for the next update (I'm going for the moon route of Ren) Everything is so good (especially the writing, I love it when visual novels are well-written? I don't know if that's the right word lol) the art as well.  Take the time you guys need to complete this.  I wish you guys with all the luck in the world for this visual novel, its amazing :) 

Hello!! Ahhh I'm so glad you enjoyed Ren's moon route!! Idk about well-written because my grammar is a mess sdsjflad BUT I'm really happy that you seem to enjoy it nonetheless! Thank you for dropping such a sweet comment! ♡ 

You're welcome :) and your grammar is amazing (better than mine lol) thank you for making this visual novel

You're too kind ♡ 

I once thought , it would be nice to be able to romance the persona 5 character and *Boom*, I find out about this project. I was really surprised by it. And not to mention the game was real good. Props to all that involved in this projects. Please take all your time for completing it.  

;w; ♡ you're too kind! We're so glad you enjoyed what we have!! Thank you for playing and for dropping such a sweet message!

Omg this is an amazing game btw Catherine if your looking at this could you somehow tell me how to become a phantom thief in it and i love that you put the option to change jokers name to the name from the anime cuz i havent played the games but i have watched tha anime thx and keep working har

Whether there will be a path for the MC to become one of the Phantom Thieves will depend on the writers in charge of that route, so unfortunately I can't promise 100% you'll be able to do that... BUT with that being said, we'll probably provide a walkthrough for any completed routes in the future, so dw about not being able to 'fully complete' the game or anything like that!

I'm so happy you enjoyed the demo enough to drop us this message! Thank you dear ♡

ok thank you very much

Tip: Android users can play Ren'py games with the app joi play app😅👍

ohh thank you for the tip! ♡ i don’t own android device so i can’t really test it, but hopefully there won’t be any game-breaking issues!

very epic swag demo very gnarly indeed yes B)

Aww thank you ♡

A very interesting game indeed. I'm interested in observing its development. The good writing and strong characterization were a very pleasant surprise, though some of the routes need work- I think it's very well made for a demo- and a free game at that.

Thank you!! Yeah, the currently released demo needs a lot of work but hopefully the next release will have a lot of new things yall can explore!! ♡

(1 edit)

this is a great demo!! :D i love it and am excited for the release!! also i like how the player is gender neutral :) as a non binary trans person i super appreciate that :DD i did wonder whilst playing if mishima will ever make an appearance? both as a romantic interest or just maybe in the background or something, it’d be interesting but it was just a passing thought i was curious about :]

good luck with development and i hope to see what other projects you guys will make :DD <3

Ahhh so glad that you enjoyed the demo and liked the gender neutral decision! We wanted to make everyone feel included ♡

So far there's no scenes with Mishima from the scripts I've seen, but it could change depending on the writers :D

Thank you for the sweet message and warm support! ♡♡♡

its usually because i usually have an insert OC who is also called mishima LMAO but i was just curious xD hope you guys keep developing this it looks really promising! im not sure if you’re still looking for writers but if you are id be more than happy to help out! i id try to fill in a form but i had some internet issues so i am not 100% if it went thru tho r.i.p.

OH LOL I guess it could be a little confusing if there are two Mishimas haha

We're always looking for more interested writers! It did go through actually, I did see a new entry! Let me add you in Discord and we can talk in details there c:

I love it, I need the full version asap <3

The truly full version for all routes is still very far away but some routes are getting very near completion, so we're excited for that!! Thank you for the support ♡

Hey Hey just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this demo and I'd love to see more!

I'm glad you enjoyed the demo!! Thank you for playing <3 

PLS THIS IS AMAZING. Keep up the good work! :D <3


I LOVED this! <3

<3 <3 <3 thank you!!

I just saw the update and had to play it and I love it even more can't wait for more

Ahhh hello again! I'm so glad you enjoyed the latest demo!!! <3 <3 <3

Yeah sad that The Sun Akira/Ren route is so short

Dw, we're working on it!! ^^

Yeah I got that. It must be hard to make a VN game

I spent a good 30 minutes or so playing through the route and seeing different choices! I really enjoyed it, and can't wait to see how it goes! <3

I'm glad you enjoyed the different choices! ♡ ♡ 

i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!keep it up and i hope you will make a new game soon!!!o w o new follower for you!

Thank you! ♡ 

you re welcome : )

I did not play through all of the routes but for what I saw so far, I'd love to see more of this game! The writing and style is on point, it's really amazing what you guys created! Can't wait to see where this goes <3

Thank you so much for trying out the game!! I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed what we have so far, and just like you the whole team is also excited to see more features and scripts getting coded in as we're developing the game! We really hope people will love how the VN turns out in the future ❤️

(1 edit)

Alright time to don my anime glasses *ahem* anime_glasses Discord & Slack Emoji

In general I found this otome to be pretty entertaining despite it being only the alpha. Like many others before me have said already its very much so appreciated for the personality changes between the sun and moon arcana as I find it interesting to see how the dynamic shifts between the characters and the mc depending on which arcana is chosen. (And they so far feel all in character so mad probs to you) Oh yeah another appreciated aspect is having the option to choose whether to use Akira or Ren since different people prefer either one over the other (personally like Ren Amamiya because my mind immediately reads it as Ren Mamamiya and I can't help but chuckle)

Now to get into the specific routes themselves from the order I played them (I'll prolly write more when this gets updated):

  1. Akira/Ren (Moon route): This route generally gives off a pretty homey feel. Its very chill and I like that about it. (Its prolly also good for MC) I can already tell this route is going to be mostly adorable fluff. (I really don't have much else to say for this route even though I liked it lol but if this route has a bad end its gonna huuuuurt)
  2. Akechi (Moon route): Now to balance the scale from the adorableness of Moon Akira/Ren route we have THIS route oooo boy the warning was well warranted. Nothing like being held at gunpoint when all you wanted was to get on with your day😐.(Then again Mc might have jinxed it by lamenting their boredom) Anyways in the whole *ahem* interrogation sequence it seems like the best way to survive would be to ADAPT, IMPROVISE, OVERCOME and I'm guessing that's gonna be a consistent thing in this route. (I managed to go through this route unharmed the first time so....yay me???) Ooof well I definitely appreciate Moon Akira/Ren after this route.
  3. Ryuji (Moon route): Ryuji Ryuji Ryuji oh you wholesome dumb boy. Gotta say the knife threw me for a loop but I can see him pulling that kinda stuff. And lol Akira/Ren just showing up like "Am I interupting something?" was great.
  4. Akira/Ren (Sun route): Oh this route starts with a letter? Cool cool its different from the other routes. So I really like the little details in this route for example the little doodles on the side of letter like the rollercoaster when there is a section about MC having a rollercoaster of a life and later the city when there is a section about it. I don't know if the choices of paper and handwriting affects anything but even if its mostly just for flavor I like the addition of choices as it adds a personal touch to the letters.
  5. Akechi (Sun route): This route lol "Detective Princess Ecchi" Hahaha and his reaction it's great. (But yknow....Princess is fitting😂) Ok so first meeting by helping with fangirls cool cool. Ah I see MC keeps up with current celebrity news as much as I do which is to say barely to never. Lol the realization at the end with the "oh...huh....yeah I probably should start watching tv every now and then" was perfect. ......Akechi is gonna get most of the bad ends isn't he?

So in conclusion I liked it and I look forward to updates (particularly the Moon Ryuji route and Sun Akechi route those were fun) but I also want to mention to be sure to not overload yourself on this and to balance like the scales in the Justice Arcana.

Ohhhh anime glasses time! Let me put it on too *slides anime glasses over real glasses* anime_glasses Discord & Slack Emoji

Ngl at first the Moon/Sun arcana was actually just an excuse for me to write more P5 content but I'm so happy people appreciate having the option hehe I'm really glad you think everyone is in character so far, that makes me so happy!!! Ahh I see! I personally am used to Akira but Ren is such a nice name, so I thought hey, why not just let ppl choose what they like? :D

omg you played all the routes??? T-Thank you <3 That's so kind of you to check out everyone's routes!!

Akira/Ren (Moon route): omg YES the 'homey' and 'cozy' feel is what I wanted for this route and I'm so glad the player are getting this vibe too. And you're ABSOLUTELY RIGHT, there's gonna be lots of fluff. A sprinkle of angst might be there, but I PROMISE there'll be more fluff to top that.

The bad end though.... Uh. Uhhhhhh... There's no other way to put this, so I'll just say it....... I want it to hurt c:

... LOL is that a bad thing to say? It might be, but angst feels SO GOOD when the journey there is a paved flowery road and it's bundled & wrapped oh so nicely in a colorful wrapping paper.... You know? You feel me? Am I weird? Maybe I am weird woopsies sorry guys you're stuck with me :p

Akechi (Moon route): ohhh you managed to do it well on your first playthrough?! That's awesome! Keep that attitude! If things goes as planned, this route will have specific sets of requirements to reach the good end, soooo yeah.... Look forward to that :D

Ryuji (Moon route): the first time I scripted in the knife scene it threw me off too, but seeing it plays out, it's definitely so Ryuji hahah Poor Akira/Ren is just there like 'uhhh wyd in my room?' XD

Akira/Ren (Sun route): Aaaaa you noticed the doodles!!! Yays!! Since he doodled in the calendar in the original game I thought it would be a nice addition if he does that too here! As of now the choices for paper and handwriting doesn't really affect the story, but I just thought it would be nice if the player's personality can shine through those ^^

Akechi (Sun route): Detective Princess Ecchi heheheh omg sometimes I feel like I went a little too crazy on this first scene but I'm glad people took it positively lol

This was really fun and encouraging to read, thank you! <3 We'll try to balance the scales to avoid burn out, for sure c:

Hahaha I kinda get it with the angst thing. Its like eating spicy food (ones filled with peppercorn, and chilli). It hurts but its also reaally good when prepared a certain way. (or maybe I'm just a masochist lol) And yes I did play through all the routes (I am somewhat of a completionist) 

I had SO much fun playing this! I really hope you can keep this going bc I'd live the full thing (esp bc I'm a Yusuke simp and I need that route LOL!!) . I love Persona 5 and this is such a great nostalgia trip and makes me miss teh game so much (but I LOVE the idea of an otome for it bc, hehehee) . I'll be sharing it with as many people as I can so hopefully you get more love for this bc it's such a wonderful idea and the demo is so great so far! Very intrigued for more!!

I'm so happy to hear that you had fun playing the demo!! I'd love for this project to be finished too someday. And yes, Yusuke's routes!!! I'm so looking forward to see more of it from our writers! Aww that's so sweet of you to do! Many many thanks for your support and encouragement!! See you around on the next updates ♡

This was so good! I enjoyed it a lot, and I have to say that the writing is incredibleee I did not expect it to be this good. I'll def be on the lookout for future updates, well done!!!

That's so kind of you to say! We're so glad you enjoyed the demo!! Looking forward to see you on future updates :)

(1 edit)

I loved playing this and all routes (including Akechi's creepy Moon path, but especially Akira's! It felt really organic). The whole thing is such a good idea. I wish we could choose our velvet room attendant like in Persona's 3 female MC side, just for a bit of flavor text. I have no idea how you implemented the graphics so well but they look as good as in the game. I'm curious about how long this will be in the final version.

Thank you for playing! Hahah I assure you Akechi's Moon path starts off strong but the MC survive! .... as long as you choose the right answers that is :)
Akira's route is by far my most favorite too, but I'm probably biased and there's also the fact that the other routes aren't as fleshed out yet as of now lol

That's an interesting idea, but I don't know how it would affect the game necessarily, since the Velvet Room doesn't really appear after character selection. We'll see!

The sprites and a lot of the art assets are actually taken from a certain sprites resources website! They have almost everything there, it's crazy haha

I can't say for sure how long the game will be in total in the final version. It depends on each writers, the players' reading speed, the amount of branching storylines, and a lot of other factors that comes into play when it comes to a VN. The aim is 1 hour for each route, but I can't say that for sure 100%!

I have to say I really loved how different the two personalities were, like day and night – one open and outgoing and the other kind of just socially awkward (so relatable it hurts T.T, whoever wrote that one knew what they were doing).

Akira's moon route felt homey and warm and wholesome and aaah I wanted to melt the whole playthrough, SO comfy. Also, the absolute betrayal in his eyes at the "Does it make you uncomfortable?" part, when you reply with "...". It hurt. A lot.

Akechi's moon route on the other hand was basically just "Sir, please, I'm just the coffee boy I want nothing to do with this," except with more stuttering and being held at gunpoint. Wrong place, wrong time, I guess. MC definitely needed a hug after that event.

A minor inquiry though, how 'deep' are you planning to go with this? A kiss? The dreaded h*nd h*lding before marriage? Maybe nothing of the sort?

Anyway, I hope you continue the development of this project, I had an amazing time clearing all the routes. Looking forward to future updates!

Yess! They're really different and I hope that makes it fun to read haha (I relate so much to Moon MC too, friend)

I'm glad that's what you think about Akira's Moon route!! That was exactly my goal when I planned it out and I'm so glad people are into the fluff & comforting situations. Ikr, at first I held back from giving that option (and if you notice I even put a 'way out' just in case the player changes their mind lol) but decisions should have consequences soooo yeah :D

"Wrong place, wrong time" is the perfect summary for the start of that route... Still, the worst first meeting sometimes turns out for the best, amirite? ;)

Oh my god, h*nd h*lding before marriage? There might be minors wandering around, you can’t say that here!!! lol

Jokes aside, like most otome games, most routes will probably end after confession scenes. But honestly, it depends to the writers! I can say for sure that the Moon routes for Akira and Goro will follow the conventional way, but I am planning to have epilogue scenes which will vary depending on your choices throughout that route. Can’t say 100% for sure until it’s all written though. I change up my plans sometimes haha

Thank you so much for playing and writing this sweet message! Hope to see you around on the next updates! <3 

This is... wow. WOW. I love this fandom so much, and to see it all come to life in an otome? I really do hope that you're able to continue this project, I'd be open to donating monthly on pateron and everything. This is awesome! The amount of writers and artists you've all brought together for free is spectacular. Every route is exciting! I winced each time the title screen returned because I didn't want it to stop.

Ahhh that's such a nice thing to say, thank you so much!! I don't think I would ever make a Patreon or anything like that for the game, cause that sounds like monetizing the project and I'd rather not catch the original creator's wrath if you know what I mean lol We're all just here to have fun and share the fun with the community 💗

This is sooo good, I was really pleasently surprised at how much I enjoyed it so far! I love the Persona series and I'm so happy to have found this gem, please keep up the great work!

Aww thank you for playing and dropping such a nice message! Here's to hoping you'll also enjoy future releases! 🥂❤️

Thank u so much for this omg its so good so far!

Thank you for the sweet message ❤️

(1 edit)

This game is pretty enjoyable! The writing's great, and I really appreciate both personalities. I'm super excited to see where you take this project!

Thanks! I hope we'll be able to meet your expectations for the future releases haha 

even though the game isn't finished, this was a fun read and I'm looking forward to more! i love how the mc is gender neutral as well and how you can have different personalities.

(1 edit)

btw! i really love the sun personality! i get happy at their energy :) 

I'm so happy to know you enjoyed the game, and especially the Sun routes! The different personalities of the MC makes the scripts so fun to read 😆

It looks very cool ! I'm waiting the game to be finished to play it but i would love to romance Ren (a secret dream lol). It would be cool if a romance with Mishima is created too ! The persona games must have a gender selecting at the beginning of the game really !

Sure, that's definitely ok too, each to their own! I think it will take quite a bit of time for the full game to be released though, so hopefully that sets the expectation you have in mind :)

Regarding adding a Mishima route, I will only consider it if a writer-slash-coder comes up to volunteer to write for him. As of now I have my hands full with writing for two routes and scripting for 80% of the routes, on top of other enhancements to the game, sooo yeah haha

ahhh!! catherine i swear you never disappoint!! this is so good so far!!! I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next!!

Aww thank you! Glad it was to your liking! Hope to see you around on future updates ❤️

(3 edits)

This was amazing! Oh my gosh you're so talented. I loved the different types of personalities of the MC. I especially liked her awkward one because of social anxiety so that's so relatable :') 

Your writing skills are so good! I'm super excited for any future content by you <3 

omg you're too kind! I'm glad you liked the different personalities of the MC and that you can relate to the Moon arcana MC! I relate to them so much too...

Thank you for enjoying the game! I hope you'll be following the progress of this small project ❤️

(4 edits)

I just finished playing the new demo version and oh my god I'm even more in love with this game now. 

My random gushy thoughts (if you wanna hear them 😅): 

Ren (Moon): Adorable! I wanted to stay and chat with him at the cafe forever, made me feel all warm and fuzzy. 

Goro (Moon): 🤯 I have an obsession with dark romances 👀 So... yeah, moon Goro got my attention for sure. It was so thrilling and I’m beyond excited to see where this is going (I do feel so bad for poor MC, who only wanted to calm down from anxiety and ended up in that situation. As revenge, MC must make Goro fall in love ;) ). 

Ryuji (Moon): I wish someone like Ryuji would have randomly come talk to me too while I was being all lonely at school back in the day lol. 

MC (Moon): As relatable as ever :’) I love this MC. 

Ren (Sun): I love romances that start with letter exchanges! The letters/handwriting is so pretty. I’m so excited to see where this is headed! 

Goro (Sun): The contrast from the Moon route… 👀

MC (sun): I really like this type of MC, and I wish I was more brave and charismatic like that. 

Sorry this turned out so long! 

By the way, I hope it's okay but I posted about this game in the otome community on reddit. This game you're creating deserves all the love and recognition <3

I ALWAYS want to hear from you guys who played the game! Thank you so much for spending some time to write such a lovely comment and omg so it was your doing! I suddenly saw a spike in the graph saying the page suddenly has over 600+ views and was like ‘wait what in the world happened’ lol

As revenge, MC must make Goro fall in love ;) —> hahaha yessss I agree! Man, I am so hyped to script in and share the bad end for this route aaa

Ryuji is the friend we all wish we had in school or uni or workplace ;w;

Goro’s duality is so much fun to write haha

Never apologise for long comments! I love reading people’s opinions. Sweet messages like these just makes my day. I love them  

Yeah, I don’t mind people sharing the link to the page! That’s so nice of you! I’m glad you enjoyed what the game has to offer so far enough to do that, thank you ♡♡♡ 

(3 edits)

Yeah, I didn't expect that either 😂 The post suddenly got 200 likes (and counting) and people are commenting about how excited they are to play your game. So yeah, don't be alarmed lol. 

Awww people are too nice ♡

Deleted post

Don't mind me I'm just here rereading this comment for like the 20th time because it's making me so happy

Aaaaa I'm so glad you liked the idea of the arcana changing the MC's personality!! It was my excuse to write more for Akira and Goro but yall don't need to know about that eheh Honestly writing Sun MC is really fun and painful at the same time for me because I have to switch my mind and put myself on the shoes of someone with a completely different personality, BUT overall I've been having a blast doing the writing!

sldkfjsldfj oh man, I wish I could actually work for game companies someday ;w;
I'm so happy you seemed to enjoy the VN!! I've been a little insecure with my writing these days but this was very encouraging to read ♡ Many thanks for trying out the game and spending time to drop this lovely comment ♡♡♡

Also, never apologize for writing longer comments! I'm pretty sure no creators dislike those types of comments, and I always love reading about other people's thoughts and opinions! Again, thank you so much ♡

Deleted post

I want to let you know first that what you're doing right now is literally as if Akira (aka you) is dishing out plates after plates of wonderfully delicious Leblanc curry and Yusuke (aka me) is just sitting here gulping them down ravenously after starving for months sldkfjlsd

Seriously, thank you for feeding me... This was such a joy to read!!

Ohhh well well well, you're gonna love the third arcana I'm planning to put in then heheheh ... Huh? What? No, no, I didn't say anything!
Aaaaanyway! I'm glad the Sun MC is not too overbearing! Mostly I'm taking reference from my upbeat and social butterfly type of friends, and I was worried that it would turn out awkward. But I'm glad it's not! Hopefully I'll be able to maintain that throughout the Sun routes! I'm intent to SPOIL my bby Goro don'tchu worry about that mwahahah

Ahhh that's so kind of you to say. There's not that many jobs in the market for that, so competition's pretty tough, but fingers crossed! :)

I really appreciate the gesture!! I like story branchings (even the smallest dialogue changes caused by the previous decisions), and it makes me happy when people try to explore those options!

Glad the music so far fits the scene! I try my best to pick the best sounds and background music that matches the current situation, but I'll probably fail to do it here and there. Still, it's a learning process!

Sojiro is such a fun character in the original game and I really enjoyed interacting with him! Hence his cameo in here lol
Haha that line feels so fitting for him, doesn't it?  Goro's partner in crime, huh? You'll love the Moon arcana route I have planned for him *wink wink*

Goro is such a fun and complicated character to write. I don't think I'll ever do him justice the way the original writers do, but I'll try my best because HE IS BEST BOY HE DESERVES LOVE ;w;
Tbh I didn't really watch the anime fully and the most I did was seeing the clips for both the subbed / dubbed versions. So mainly I'm going with my own interpretation of what kind of character Akira is based on all the canon sources I know of. It's good that he's not out of character so far! I'll say, his Moon route is kind of a slow burn and will be filled with 'aww' moments hahah

Really really glad to know the writing isn't putting people off! I'm originally used to writing fics, but putting them into a visual novel style has been a transition I'm still trying to figure out at times. Scripting all those dialogues has been so much fun so far though!

Again, thanks so so much for the lovely comments! These means a lot to me, I'll treasure it forever and re-read them whenever I feel stuck ♡ You're a legend!! ♡♡♡

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Hey hey, no problem! I’m just glad you’re still around and seemed to enjoy the update aaaah you’re just too kind  

I get you man, conversations are tough, especially when talking to strangers. On my bad days, I find it hard to even talk to friends. "What are words?" "How do you speak without constantly backtracking and keeping your voice steady?" "I have suddenly forgotten how to construct sentences." It’s just weird lol

Yup yup, games with diverse selection of choices and great story branching based on player’s choices are really fun to play! It’s probably the reason why P5, Undertale, and DBH are really up on my 'most loved games' list haha

Hehe so happy you noticed the sounds and animations! Those were a pain to gather and code in, but I’m so happy with how they turned out

lol oops you stumbled onto the bad end huh? I feel like the Goro before meeting the original protagonist is a literal ticking time bomb. He’s dealing with all his inner demons alone after all. Hopefully meeting the MC will help him :)

Yeappp! I actually considered putting in another option for ‘Akiren’ for those who can’t choose… We’ll see how it goes! I’ve always thought that his handwriting would be elegant cursives somehow, maybe it’s the whole phantom thief thing haha

I laughed outloud too when that knife option came up the first time I tested the script hahah (the route is written by another writer) That scene was just so unexpected but I can imagine Ryuji doing weird stuff like that just to prove he’s harmless… What a cutie.

Again, thank you so much for dropping by! So happy that you enjoyed the update  

I'm so glad to see a Persona dating sim with the guys! It's really good so far. I'm excited to see more!

I relate so much to the Moon arcana MC

Ahhh thank you! 🤍

Haha me too! Writing the Moon arcana MC comes so naturally to me cause I overthink a lot and I'm super awkwardly irl... I'm glad people can relate to them!

Hi! I'm Flare from Fantome Traducciones. Maybe you can remember us from the spanish patch of "Watashi no Hero". I just wan't you to know that you count with all my support and love! Persona 5 is one of my favorites videogames and just thinking about you making a visual novel of this... it's so exciting! I'll be waiting for all the development and I hope you can enjoy this proyect <3

Yeah, of course I remember you :)

Thanks for dropping by and writing this lovely comment. You have no idea how much it means to me. Work has been sucky since Monday and I needed the dopamine boost ♡

As a translator, sometimes my work is really heavy and I know that just one comment can give you all the energy you need. I'll write comments from time to time, remember to take a break and find the passion in this! I love your work, you're the best <3

Thank you 🤍🤍

I really like it. I also love your other game. Thanks for bringing us these games 💖✨

Thank YOU for checking out my games ♡

This game was different. I like the art style and how the story is developing so far. I don’t know anything about Persona 5 but it’s still a neat game.

Thank you for playing and making the effort to create this video! ♡♡♡

(1 edit)

This is really well made, it does indeed feel like the actual game. I do hope to see more of this project in the future.

Sidenote: I hope you do not burn yourself while working on it.

Thank you dear! ♡

PS. Yeah, I hope so too, and that's why I'm taking it easy and I'm asking for other people's help this time!

Ok, ok, ok. So... I am too excited to explain this without sounding like an idiot. This game was AMAZING!! Not only was the editing and animation parts so accurate to the actual game but I literally fell in love with this whole visual novel. It-- It just has so much potential! Both the routes was a delight to check out and the script was wonderful! Some parts even had me laughing! 

I really do hope that you continue this project and heck-- I might even offer my help just so I can get the chance to see the VN's full potential! (I may not be amazing at story telling but would still offer my help--) :D Thank you so much for blessing us with the chance to have this wonderful game as a VN and I'm looking forward with seeing the progress that hopefully will be made! 

Eeee thank you for playing and writing this lovely comment! I'm really glad you seemed to enjoy the game! ♡

Hey, if you want, you could apply as a writer! I'm honestly only interested to write for Akira and Akechi, but there's always the other characters or the other arcana for Akira (Sun) and Akechi (Moon, but I'm ok if someone wants to take the Sun Route because I think I write better for introverted characters lol)

(2 edits)

I just finas one part of Akechi and I love this so far can't wait for more things or a full version


(Oh one more thing when you go on Akechi his route the girls you bump into say "She" but when you are with Akechi and he pays for youe coffee and curry he say "Their" and I know at the top of this page it say gender neutral but I just wanted to point it out)

Thank you for trying out the game! ♡ 

(Gasp thank you for catching that slip-up!!! I'm too used to write for female MCs so I really appreciate you letting me know about that mistake! I'll update the files soon to fix that part ♡ ♡ ♡)

You're welcome btw it said i unlocked a secret or somethong with Akira and Akechi but i donno what it is

Ah, that's the hint for the 'Secret Route' that's in the works haha

(1 edit)

I see nice btw to sad the MHA full version was canceled

Yeahhh sorry about that, but it had to be done. I don't work well with series which I have lost interest in.

It was still a valuable experience for me though! I've definitely learned a lot of things from the few months I worked on the demo and the full game itself.

This was REALLY REALLY GOOD. I cannot stress it enough! It was so immersive. I hope this develops into a full game <3

Ahhhh thank you ♡

Okay, so...I'll try to stay calm, but here it goes: THIS'S SO GOOD! 

Persona 5 is one of my favorite games. I literally didn't expected this VN to be so damn good and well done! And so loyal to the original game!!

Even the tiny little details (the confirm sound, THE LOADING ICON! The moving sprites! the font! THE TEXTBOX!)

As a dev who is still learning... I'm screaming :'D

I wish I could help with the writing, but english unfortunately is not my first language and I'm not really confident. Even so, I wish the best for the project!!!

I'm really excited to see more of it!
(OBS; Thank you...I can finally date the boys...thank you...)

Thank you for trying out the demo!! I'm so glad you seemed to enjoy the experience, and you even noticed the little details! Aaaaah

Good luck on your journey as a developer!! Looking forward to see your creations :)

You can be confident in your English! It's not my first language either actually, and your English is great!

Thanks for the best wishes ♡ 

(PS. I get you, I really do get you.... You're welcome homie, I gotchu...)

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